Columbia City Used Cars

Buy Columbia City used cars in WA near 98118

Want to buy used cars at an affordable price in Columbia City, WA? ABC Towing is a renowned company providing cheap Columbia City used cars at our auction. We are a towing company that puts unclaimed and abandoned cars at our regular car auctions.

We have been in business since 1982, and have provided many Columbia City used cars without contacting a dealer.

Our auction is open to the public, making it a top choice for local customers. We display a variety of Columbia City used cars, ranging from classic cars and SUVs to Jeeps and sedans. Contact our company or check our website for our next auction venue date and timing.

Some of our different Columbia City used cars include:

  • Certified used cars
  • Cheap cars for sale
  • Honda used cars
  • Toyota used cars
  • Audi used cars

Call ABC Towing and get Columbia City used cars at affordable prices.

(206) 682-2869

Columbia City Car Auctions

Public Columbia City car auctions in WA near 98118

We offer you a platform to come and go through various cars that suit your liking. Our Columbia City car auctions are conducted in a very disciplined manner to safeguard the displayed vehicles. Our company has the sole right to refuse entry into our Columbia City car auctions , so please follow our rules.

Anyone under 16 is not allowed at our Columbia City car auctions . If you plan to bid on a car, you should have a bidder number and a valid driver’s license. Come and participate in our Columbia City car auctions , and we will provide you with a detailed vehicle history report so you can make an informed decision.

Come to us for:

  • Abandoned cars for sale
  • Best used cars
  • Vehicle auction
  • Police car auctions

Call ABC Towing and attend one of the best Columbia City car auctions .

(206) 682-2869

Columbia City Car Auction

Leading Columbia City car auction in WA near 98118

With many vehicles being abandoned and stolen, there are high chances that you can be fooled into buying a low quality car. This is why people visit our Columbia City car auction, as we are a trusted and valued company. You can now bid on the car of your choice at our Columbia City car auction.

We are a trusted name among buyers, so you can confidently come to our Columbia City car auction. You can rely on us for transparency in all of our proceedings. Cars of various brands, makes, and models will be available at our Columbia City car auction, so make the right choice and talk to our experts.

We handle:

  • Public car auction
  • Unclaimed vehicles
  • Car auctions near me
  • Online car auction

Call ABC Towing for a reliable Columbia City car auction.

(206) 682-2869